Coming soon



SRPF Alaska is a community of organizations and individuals who are working to advocate, educate and implement the Shared Risk & Protective Factors framework in Alaska. 

The website will…

1. Increase understanding of Shared Risk and Protective Factors (SRPF) by…
  • Providing examples of Risk and Protective Factors
  • Explaining the Socioecological Model
  • Explaining how SRPFs are cumulative and impact people throughout their lives
  • Showing how Risk Factors are associated with potential adverse health, behavioral, and quality-of-life outcomes
  • Showing how Protective Factors are associated with positive health, behavioral and quality of life outcomes
  • Featuring public health efforts that are utilizing SRPF
2. Provide examples of the SRPF framework in Alaska
3. Connect organizations and individuals working on Shared Risk and Protective Factors in order to have a greater impact
4. Feature rural and traditional practices
5. Provide funding tools and techniques and RFP language for the SRPF framework
6. Allow organizations and individuals to share data and evaluation techniques
7. Be a place to share resources, toolkits and trainings