
The resources on this page focus on data, funding, research, and rural and traditional practices, while others may also focus on specific health concerns. Use the filters at the top of the table to find results by type of resource or health concern.  

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TitleResource TypesHealth ConcernsAnnotationLinkMedia Linkhf:tax:resource_typehf:tax:health_concern
SRPF Matrix (Excel)Other Resource

SRPF matrix of health concerns and risk and protective factors. See additional resource Annotated Lit Review for corresponding sources.
SRPF Matrix Annotated Lit Review (Excel)Other Resource

Annotated Lit Review of corresponding sources for the SRPF Matrix.
Identifying Priority Shared Risk & Protective FactorsOther Resource

Health Management Associates presentation to the Alaska SRPF Community of Practice on identifying priority shared risk and protective factors.
Considerations for the Inclusion and Prioritization of Protective FactorsOther Resource, Plans & Reports

Alaska Statewide Violence and Injury Prevention Partnership (ASVIPP) considerations for the inclusion and prioritization of protective factors. plans-reports
ANTHC Medication Assisted Treatment ToolkitRural & Traditional PracticesWellbeing

The MAT Toolkit can be found under ANTHC Resources from the link. Section 12: Holistic Health Care in Rural Alaska emphasizes how a connection to the land, spirituality, and community involvement impact well-being.
SAMHSA Native Connections: Culture is PreventionRural & Traditional PracticesSubstance Use, Suicide

Culture is itself a prevention strategy for substance use and other adverse behaviors. suicide
Qungasvik (Toolbox) Training and Teachings Manual (Preview Version)Rural & Traditional PracticesSubstance Use, Suicide

This training and manual is part of a training package delivered by Yup’ik communities. It is a strengths-based and protective factors approach to reducing risk for Alaska Native suicide and alcohol misuse. suicide
Anchorage Realizing Indigenous Student Excellence (ARISE)Rural & Traditional Practices

ARISE supports Alaska Native children by working to provide opportunities to reach their full potential.
ANTHC Traditional TuesdaysRural & Traditional Practices

ANTHC Behavioral Health hosts Traditional Tuesdays meetings to promote the knowledge and use of traditional foods and traditional ways that support Alaska Native health. To be added to the listserv for these meetings, email

Alaska Native Language ProgramsRural & Traditional Practices

Language and language preservation is an important part of cultural identity and connection (a protective factor).
Indigenous EvaluationEvaluation, Rural & Traditional Practices

Urban Indian Health Institute indigenous evaluation framework and resources website. rural-traditional
Southcentral Foundation Learning CirclesRural & Traditional Practices

Learning Circles on specific topics, ranging from medical conditions to life skills, connect people and foster relationships to improve mental and physical wellness.
Colorado SRPF DashboardDataInjury

Example of a data dashboard for SRPF tracking. datainjury
Preventing Sexual Violence in AlaskaPlans & ReportsDomestic Violence/Sexual Assault

Safe States report on preventing sexual violence and empowering adolescents to stop sexual violence before it occurs.
Factsheets on Promoting Protective Factors – Child Abuse and NeglectOther ResourceChild Maltreatment

Factsheets from the U.S. DHHS Child Welfare Information Gateway promoting protective factors for children and youth. Visit their website for additional factsheets on general information on child abuse and neglect, the child welfare system, and Federal legislation.
Risk and protective factors for child maltreatment: A reviewResearchChild Maltreatment

Synthesis of the empirical literature regarding key risk and protective factors for child maltreatment at each level of the socioecological model and to identify directions for future research and practice.
RFP Language – Child Abuse and Neglect PreventionFundingChild Maltreatment

This grant guide does not explicitly mention a SRPF approach but does include several protective factors that are shared, such as Healthy Social/Emotional Development. Funders could include similar language in RFPs.
Relationships between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Neurodevelopmental DiagnosesResearchFASD

Research documenting the shared risk factor relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) & Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).
RFP Language – OSMAP Afterschool ActivitiesFundingSubstance Use

This RFP from OSMAP (Office of Substance Misuse and Addiction Prevention) contains an example of language that explains the role of shared risk and protective factors related to after-school programs. Funders could include similar language in RFPs. This highlights the blending of public and behavioral health work.
RFP Language – Positive Youth Development Afterschool ProgramFundingSubstance Use

This RFP from the Division of Public Health focuses on reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors among youth. Funders could include similar language in RFPs. This highlights the blending of public and behavioral health work.
RFP Language – CDVSAFundingDomestic Violence/Sexual Assault

This RFP from the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault provides an example of language that could be used to encourage the use of a SRPF approach. Funders could include similar language in RFPs. This highlights the blending of public and behavioral health work.
Alaska Statewide Violence and Injury Prevention PlanPlans & ReportsInjury

Comprehensive plan documenting injury rates, shared risk and protective factors, and evidence-based strategies.
Community Level Data from Recover Alaska (Alliance Regional Data Scan)Data

This document is geared toward data collection and the need for better data equity and justice in how we collect data, what we legitimize as data, and how communities see themselves in data and mentions SRPF work in the Northern region.
Alaska Health Equity IndexData

A tool that helps identify public health vulnerabilities and disparities in communities.
Alaska Injury Data Resource GuideDataInjury

As part of a project to identify injury data gaps for Alaska Native people in Alaska, the ANTHC Alaska Native Epidemiology Center and Injury Prevention Program collaborated to create the Alaska Injury Data Resource Guide, a list of injury or injury-related data sources that help paint the surveillance picture of injuries for Alaska Native people. The Guide includes information on contacts for the data source, what years of data are available, what level of permissions are needed to access the data, whether Alaska Native/American Indian people can be reported out separately, among other fields.

The Guide is updated once a year; contact Hillary Strayer at ANTHC (, 907-306-8863) with edits.
Shared Risk and Protective Factors Impacting Adolescent Behavior and Positive DevelopmentData, Research

A review of the research on the factors contributing to adolescent behavior; definitions, citations, Alaska’s priority factors, their indicators and systems of measurement. research
Protective Factors and Adolescent Behavior Paradigm: New Analysis of the YRBSData

Data analysis examining the influence of seven protective factors on the prevalence of 67 adolescent behaviors as measured by the 2019 Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Eight “risk experiences” are also examined and their influence on the prevalence of 67 adolescent behaviors.
More MattersData

A Prevention Brief compiling Alaska’s best practices, policy recommendations, and personal actions to increase adolescent protective factors.
Factsheets on Promoting Protective Factors – Domestic ViolenceOther ResourceDomestic Violence/Sexual Assault

Factsheets from the U.S. DHHS Child Welfare Information Gateway promoting protective factors for children and youth. Visit their website for additional factsheets on general information on child abuse and neglect, the child welfare system, and Federal legislation.
Calricaraq TrainingRural & Traditional Practices, Trainings

Calricaraq, translated “Healthy Living”, is a culturally-based program utilizing Yup’ik culture, values, and traditions to address behavioral health issues. Curriculum taught by YKHC Behavioral Health Dept. The PDF shares an overview; please contact YKHC for more information. trainings
Connecting the Dots TrainingTrainingsInjury

Violence prevention training.
CADCA 7 Strategies for Community ChangeAdvocacy

National guidance for community change.
Safe States Tools & ResourcesToolkit

Tools and resources that integrate shared risk and protective factor approaches.
Connecting the Dots Interactive ToolToolkitInjury

A tool to connect the dots between multiple types of violence and the risk and protective factors they share.
Resource BasketOther Resource, Rural & Traditional Practices

Alaska Native Youth Provider Network & Community Connection rural-traditional
Safe States Connections LabOther Resource

A resource hub that shares the value of Shared Risk & Protective Factor (SRPF) approaches.
Mental Health Advocacy Through StorytellingAdvocacy, Other Resource

Alaska website for youth-led storytelling group focused on reducing stigma and opening conversations about mental health. other-resource
Youth360Other Resource

Free youth clubs in Houston and Wasilla that provide places for middle & high school students to connect.
Sources of StrengthOther ResourceSuicide

A national youth suicide prevention program using Peer Leaders.
Making Connections Across Shared Risk and Protective Factors in AlaskaPlans & Reports

A case study from Safe States sharing how Alaska partner agencies incorporated an SRPF framework for work on motor vehicle safety.
CDC Learning from Alaska’s ACEs StoryPlans & Reports

A CDC case study highlighting how Alaska collected and used its ACE data to inform prevention and intervention efforts and determine its next steps.
Alaska Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Report 2015Plans & Reports

An ACE data report that includes recommendations for improving outcomes and lessening the state’s economic impacts caused by ACEs.
Healthy Alaskans 2030Plans & Reports

A plan setting health goals and serving as a guide to help improve the health of all Alaskans over the next 10 years.
SRPF Workgroup ReportPlans & Reports

A report sharing Alaska-specific guidance for SRPF work in the future.
Safe States Evaluating ReadinessPlans & Reports

Safe States survey results of Alaska’s readiness to implement a SRPF approach.
Safe States Assessing SRPF Work in AlaskaPlans & Reports

A Safe States overview report of SRPF work in Alaska that seeks to help align its processes.