Data, Evaluation & Research

Evaluating shared risk and protective factors (SRPFs) requires us to use our basic evaluation skills as well as develop new ways of determining the impact of our efforts. Evaluation is necessary because it can highlight the value of utilizing a SRPF framework. It can illustrate how they positively impact a variety of health and social issues. We are working with the SRPF community in Alaska to collect data and evaluation techniques specific to Alaskan communities and populations.

Featured Resources
for Data, Evaluation & Research

Alaska Health Equity Index

A tool that helps identify public health vulnerabilities and disparities in communities.

Alaska Health Equity Index

A tool that helps identify public health vulnerabilities and disparities in communities.
Go to Alaska Health Equity Index

Protective Factors and Adolescent Behavior Paradigm: New Analysis of the YRBS

Data analysis examining the influence of seven protective factors on the prevalence of 67 adolescent behaviors as measured by the 2019 Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Eight “risk experiences” are also examined and their influence on the prevalence of 67 adolescent behaviors.

Protective Factors and Adolescent Behavior Paradigm: New Analysis of the YRBS

Data analysis examining the influence of seven protective factors on the prevalence of 67 adolescent behaviors as measured by the 2019 Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Eight “risk experiences” are also examined and their influence on the prevalence of 67 adolescent behaviors.
Download the Report

Resources Related to Data, Evaluation & Research

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